Tag Archives: bristol palin

Sarah Palins Biracial Grandchild!?

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This kid is either the smartest guy or the dumbest guy in the world. He has more than 300,000 hits for his video claiming to have a baby with Sarah Palin’s daughter Bristol Palin.

then what does he do? He discusses Sarah Palin and her family some more…

Then…he recants his story!!!

WTH?? What do you think about this. Is he a manipulative kid, did he get his 5 min of fame? Is he being paid? What do you think was the REAL motivation for the original video? This is wreckless. Can he be sued?

I think this is a young kid with too much time on his hands and I think he’s right about us being not focused on the issues. Don’t you feel dumb now if you bought into it? I don’t know if Sarah Palin ever found out about this little hoax and what she thinks? i haven’t heard anything about it in reputable newspapers.

The kid needs to find something better to do…I’m just tellin’ it like it T-I-Tiz!!!